The search for gold ends with one swift swing of the sky, falling and turning. Blinding those who forgot that today was that day. Up, down, inside or out its all the same. The same four walls that control my thoughts. You can't find me here. I'm hidden in plain sight. Waiting. Hoping. Yearning.
The smell of the oven wakes me. I remember now. The touch of your hand and the joy of the smile. It's not the same. The colors have faded and the shadows are dark. With the whisper pressed silently underneath my tongue it escapes. You already knew.
Within the corners of my very own brain the answer comes quick. There's only one thing to do when the monsters come out. If you don't hide they'll never stop looking. You'll be safe soon. But not yet. The clock still ticks and consumes the time left on my skin.
It could happen to anyone you know. But it didn't happen to anyone. It happened to me. Come find me, I beg.
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